Download Free PDF of 'A Geology for Engineers' by F.G.H. Blyth & M. de Freitas

Download Free PDF of  'A Geology for Engineers' by  F.G.H. Blyth & M. de Freitas

In this book all the fundamental aspects of geology are described and explained, but within the limits thought suitable for engineers.

It describes the structure of the earth and the operation of its internal processes, together with the geological processes that shape the earth and produce its rocks and soils. It also details the commonly occurring types of rock and soil, and many types of geological structure and geological maps. Care has been taken to focus on the relationship between geology and geomechanics, so emphasis has been placed on the geological processes that bear directly upon the composition, structure and mechanics of soil and rocks, and on the movement of groundwater.

About the Author

F. Blyth is Emeritus Reader in Engineering Geology at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London.

M. de Freitas is a Senior Lecturer in Engineering Geology at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London.

Edition : 7th edition

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