William C. Dunn instrumentation pdf

Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control By William C. Dunn. McGraw-Hill

# This book is usefull for Engineering students, specially Chemical & Civil Engineering students

About the author (2005)

William Dunn has B.Sc. in physics from the University of London, graduating with honors, he also has a B.S.E.E. He has over 40 years industrial experience in management, marketing support, customer interfacing, and advanced product development in systems and microelectronic and micromachined sensor development. Most recently he taught industrial instrumentation, and digital logic at Ouachita Technical College as an adjunct professor. Previously he was with Motorola Semiconductor Product Sector working in advanced product development, designing micromachined sensors and transducers. He holds some 15 patents in sensor design, and has presented some 20 technical papers in sensor design and application.

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